Storage Solutions: Best Business Practices

Storage can be one of the most difficult aspects of running a business to get right as there are so many considerations and variables involved in this and we all want to save money when starting a business. Amongst other considerations are that most businesses are seasonal in one way or another so how to plan around this and work out what is the best size and budget of property is best for this if you choose to go down this route or are you looking at other solutions.


Do you have a business premise already? If so is it suitable for storage of everything needed for your business? Remember it’s not just stock, you have equipment and vehicles as well. Does your premises have a lockable yard? How secure is this and also what type of neighborhood are you located in, is there likely to be thefts at night? You should also be aware of what security systems you might want to have in terms of CCTV or alarms installed.

Temporary Storage Facilities

If you have fluctuating storage requirements such as seasonal needs or even just extra space needed in the event of a large order or project that only happens once every while. In this type of example then there are plenty of no fixed contract style storage places, which often have security guarantees as well. The one big downside to this type of set-up is they tend to be very high cost so don’t get stuck using them for long periods.

Hazardous Or Flammable Products

If you are to be storing hazardous or flammable products then it’s of vital importance to be compliant with all and any legislation relating to the storage of these types of products. You don’t want to be hit with large fines and penalties or even worse risk accidents that could be dangerous to human life. Before storing anything, take the advice of expert suppliers as there are often solutions such as storing fuel in large red diesel barrels.

How Accessible Does It Need To Be

Does all of your stock and items need to be accessible all of the time and, if so, how quickly are these things required? Are they going to be needed at short notice for customers and staff? These concerns can affect what type of premises is going to work or not and even the layout and shape that can work for you.

How Should It Look

Besides all of the practical considerations of how and where to store the business assets, you need to ask the question of whether or not the storage needs to look presentable or not? Are customers going to be visiting these locations and will the place look professional to these customers? This greatly affects what type of place you might want to consider as suitable as there are many old and cheap industrial units that might be secure and watertight but don’t look great, if you can operate without needing it to look great then these can be good options.

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