Steps to Take After a Construction Site Injury

Being injured on a construction site can be a rather nasty and traumatic experience. This can happen even if you are working on a site that tried to adhere to all the different safety protocols available. If you have already been injured on a construction site or are worried about what you should do if you are injured, this guide has been created to help you through the process. Read on now for the four steps that you should take after being injured on a construction site.

Seek Medical Help

No matter how big or small the injury, it is essential that you seek medical help immediately. The chances are, if you are part of a construction business that is being run correctly, that you will have a doctor on site to immediately assess the injury. Additionally, you might also be entitled to free coverage through your employer or through medicare that you can use to make your medical claim. Additionally, if you are on a proper contract you should be entitled to compensation during the time needed to recuperate. If you are a freelancer and have a sudden loss of income, then it is important to secure an alternative income stream or rely on friends and family for help.

Write a Detailed Report of What Happened 

In order to make sure that the injury is properly recorded, it is important that, when you are able to do so, that you can write a detailed report that explains the exact time the injury happens, the exact nature of the injury and other people who have seen it. If possible, try and make sure that you talk to other members of your team in order to make sure that you have eyewitnesses who can testify as to the veracity of your account.  This should be complemented by pictures from the scene as well as CCTV footage.

Claim Compensation 

If you have a very good claim and strong evidence working in your favor, this should stand you in very good stead when looking to make a financial claim. Many law firms can help you whether or not you are the victim of a ladder fall injury, falling debris or even contracting coronavirus on site. Many of these services don’t charge any fees unless you win, making it a risk-free option when claiming compensation.

Work on Recovery 

Injuries can take an enormous toll on both your physical and mental health. That’s why you should work with a doctor in order to focus on recovery. This can include physiotherapy, surgery and even counselling. Like with claiming compensation, there are a whole cost of services that you can avail yourself of if you are looking to work on the process of recovery. The important part of this process is not to expect to be able to recover straight away. Rather focus simply on one day at a time and be easy on yourself while on your path back to full health.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for informational purposes only, and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.

Mike James is a UK-based writer for a few small companies and organisations, as well as numerous print and online magazines. Specialising in technology developments and business matters, Mike is best known for articles based around how best to integrate the two – particularly concerning cyber security, where he has been published in some of the leading authorities online.

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