Craft Business Name Ideas

Craft Business Name Ideas

Get a quick list of domain names to use as inspiration!

Enter keywords related to your business (separated by commas), and we will search for the best available domain names for your business.

What should you name your craft business? Check out these best of the best names for your handmade craft business and Etsy shop in my list of naming ideas here. Included are names for sewing, resin, jewelry, clothing, yarn, wood, clay, paint, and floral craft art businesses.

Start Your Crafting LLC

List of Handmade Business Name Ideas

This big list contains all types of naming ideas for your craft business including; cool craft names such as Aim Crafts, Artistlux and Art Boxed, catchy craft names such as Art Squad, Beautiful Junk and Craft Dynasty and also funny craft names such as Craft Bliss, Beatnik Art and Godfather of Crafting.

Region nicknames + Crafts (Example for my area -NoFo Crafts, or for Austin, Texas your business name could be Violet Crafts or Bat City Crafting! Here is a list of nicknames for US cities

Actively CraftingAim CraftsAloha Artists
Anvil KraftsArt BoxedArt Carvings
Art JunkiesArt of CraftsArt Riot

Creative Craft Business Names

Art SquadArt WiredArtist Cave
Artist ColorArtist FluentArtist Made
Arts and CraftsArtzillaAurora Art
Backyard CraftsBasement CraftsBeautiful Junk
Bee More CreativeBench DovetailBench Ironwood
Bench KraftsBeyond BeadingBits and Bobs Made
Bits of Crafting

Ready to open your Etsy shop? Check out my Etsy startup guide with step-by-step instructions, a list of fees, and examples of the most profitable shops on

Blue Ribbons CraftsBoho CraftsBox of Crafts
Buttons and BowsCabin MakerCarve Artist
Carved with LoveChic CraftsChisel Tree
Clay CraftsClay MadeClay Wheel
Clever CraftsConnect KraftsCottage Crafts
Cottage MakesCraft a’ CoeurCraft Addict
Craft AllianceCraft AngelCraft Baby
Craft Beat

Catchy Handmade Business Name Ideas

Craft BeatnikCraft BlissCraft Browser
Craft CoachCraft Collective

Craft Business Name Generator

Here is how to get the best results from name generators (such as the one I used to create the handmade craft naming ideas below )

First brainstorm a big list of keywords to use as input into the tool. These are words and phrases (2 or more words) that relate to your business products. They do not have to be necessarily the ones that will be contained in your final company name.

An easy way to brainstorm keywords for use in name generators is  Google.

Put into the search bar your craft business type (wood carving) plus “keywords”  = wood carving + keywords. Scroll through the results and create your list, an example below using the wood carving example cited above:

Keywords I found = joinery, sculpture, woodworkers, tools, woodturning, creative, reclaimed wood, architectural, restoration, apron, arbor, tree, woods, forest, bench, plane, bevel

Another good source of creative keywords is glossary and vocabulary pages, such as this woodworking glossary. 

Armed with my list of keywords, created using the tips above, I created these business naming suggestions. I inputted the keywords and added my own personal touches.

Unique Crafting Names Ideas

Wood OriginsWood Artisan BenchBench Dovetail
Bench IronwoodWood HeartWood Turn
Timber PopWood ForgedHandmade Tree
Timber CarverTreeworksPlane Tree
Chisel TreeSharp Carver

Top Tips on How to Use Business Name Generators

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How to Name Your Craft Business

The name you choose for your craft business brand name is one of the most important decisions you will make as a new handmade art entrepreneur or Etsy shop owner. It’s because your craft brand name communicates your unique and attractive benefits to customers. 

Powerful names can significantly impact your business’s perception in new clients’ minds.  I will help you develop a catchy craft business name to attract paying customers to build your business.
Let’s get busy naming your craft brand or Etsy store….

Step 1 – Determine the Unique Branding Position of Your Craft Business

Start by getting clear on your branding position – before you can develop unique craft business names. Answer these questions to determine your brand position:

What types of handmade products are you offering? Jewelry, clothing, pottery, etc

Who are your target customers? Women, families, kids, retailers

What makes your craft business unique and different?  Trendy, organic, etc

A strong branding position will attract paying customers to your establishment who appreciate your talent and refer their friends.  In addition, your marketing campaign will be easier to develop because you will know what your unique benefits are.

Come along as we develop your craft branding in two easy steps. 

Your Craft Business Difference vs. Competitors

What “position” do you want to claim a stake in your customer’s minds instead of your competitors? 

Is your business MORE fashion-forward, uses natural materials, themed specific design, etc.?   

How You Want Customers to Identify Your Craft Products

What qualities do you want your customers to remember when your craft business names come to mind – artistic, innovative, cute, chic, luxurious?  

Step 2 – Brainstorm Name Ideas For Your Craft Business

Use these methods to brainstorm a long list of possible name ideas for your craft business.

The best place to start is inside your ideal client’s mind. Who are your target customers for your crafts? 

Are they millennials, professionals, executives, busy moms, singles, teenagers, children and families, college students, young professionals, stylish middle-aged women, or men?

Once you have your perfect customer in mind, figuratively step into their shoes. This is important because you want to evaluate your craft brand name through their eyes for the best results. 

Please don’t fall into the trap of naive business owners who judge their business name ideas using their taste. You want to appeal to YOUR customers, not to yourself. 

Example – You own a handmade artist business and are 55 years old; however, your clients are primarily young Moms under 35. The names you like, such as Crafty Lady, will not appeal to this younger audience, who will likely appreciate a hipper, trendier name such as Craft Spot or Craft Now. 

Begin your brainstorming by listing words about your products such as stones, gems, paint, wood, etc. Next, include adjectives that you want to use to describe your art approach stunning, glamorous, gorgeous, fresh, chic, natural, trendy, fashionable, etc. 

Play around with rhyming names or with words with the same starting letters, such as Craft Cave. These types of phrases are unique and easy to remember.

Then continue to the next step, where we will review each of these naming ideas against the checklist below to determine which is the absolute name for your new Craft business. 

Check out my full list of 24 ways to brainstorm business name ideas here 

Review Business Name Lists

Read lists of business name ideas such those in this list and as these pages below to get inspiration for your best company name:

Woodworking Business Name Ideas

Photography Brand Name Ideas

Combine Two Words for One Business Name

Blend personal names of two or more owners into an interesting compound business name. Learn the many ways to combine names for your business name in my article here

Name Your Company with Your Personal Name  

Some craft business owners elect to use their own personal name as their business name.

Generally, I do not recommend naming your business after yourself – except in a few instances – read more in my article about naming a business after yourself here

FYI: Avoid using business owner initials as a business name. Some new entrepreneurs decide to use their initials as their company name. This is not a good idea because names such as The ABC craft business (Ann, Betty, and Cathi) are boring, easy to forget, hard to spell and pronounce. NOT the type of name to become memorable in customer’s minds.

Use Acronyms to Come Up Company Name

An acronym is different from a name made up of owner initials because it creates a new word. 

Some examples; IBM is an initial name (for International Business Machines) which is spoken as each letter separately – I -B- M.

An example acronym name is LEGO (short for Leg Godt – danish for “play well”) and is pronounced as one word.

Use this online tool to brainstorm some creative acronym business names.

Experiment with Wordplay and Funny Puns

Puns are jokes that exploit the different possible meanings of words – a play on words. They can make funny and catchy business names.

Some examples of craft service name puns;   Crafty Cuties, Fairy Craft, Daily Craft, You’ve Got Craft, Craft Safe.

Have fun and get business name inspiration with this free Pun Generator tool.

Try Rhymes for a Catchy Business Name

Using a rhyming name can make your brand more memorable such as StubHub and 7-Eleven. 

Business names that rhyme has a musical quality that helps them stand out in customers’ minds. I used this free online rhyme tool to come up with these names for Craft business companies:

Craft Raft

Aft Craft

Air Craft

Utilize Descriptive Word Phrases for Craft Business Names

Use keywords that describe your handmade products and their benefits to create exciting and powerful business names.

Begin with your business type -“Craft artist.” Then create a list of related words such as; art, woodworking, design, painting, sewing. 

Check out this free online related words tool

Combine these related words with other words such as; your location, name, or specialty service. 

Here are some examples of Craft-related names:

Step 3 – Tips for Naming Your Crafting Business

By following my recommended steps above, you will have come up with a long list of good business names. Next comes the critical phase of evaluating your name ideas and selecting your perfect brand name. 

Use my pro checklist below of essential criteria to help you make the best choice.

Checklist to Choose Your Best Craft Business Name – 9 Important Considerations

  1. Communicates Your Product and Services – Is it relevant to your service menu and offerings?

    Don’t be so clever that you confuse customers they can’t figure out what you are selling.
  2. Manageable to pronounce – Be sure that your Craft business name can be spoken (and understood) easily. You want lots of customer referrals, making it easy for your clients to give you free word-of-mouth advertising.

    People will remember names that are easy to say and forget companies with complex or unpronounceable names.

FAQ: Business Naming Tips

  • What should I name my craft business?

    Your personal experience, work ethic, and love for designing are what make you unique in this field. With those as your core values and priorities, you will find that naming your business is not too difficult. For a starting point, I’ll offer some ideas:

    *Your last name and then an adjective describing one of the qualities your items reflect (Smith Metal Art)

    *The areas in which you specialize… (ex.: if you’re skilled at making jewelry) * Something inspired by nature that exemplifies one of the aspects or elements from it (earthy, leafy…)  *An activity related to what you do… (paint me colorful crafts…)

    Whatever resonates best with your personality and brand will work best for you. Of course, it depends on the type of craft business you want to create, too. For example, if it’s something like a pottery gallery, then “Adam Smith Earthenware Gallery” might be appropriate. On the other hand, if you’re making jewelry exclusively from raw materials or metal, the name differs again. It should include related keywords such as silver, copper, gem, rock, wire, glass, etc.

  • How do I come up with a catchy business name?

    Your business name should suggest that your company is solving a problem. Therefore, the name needs to be easy to remember, memorable, and sound good when spoken or written out.

    I would lean towards something like ‘Soulful Stitches by Pam, which sounds unique and easy to remember for a specific craft business.

    Craft business names often rely on a strong, iconic image to communicate the product’s differentiating characteristics, such as; Da Vinci Paints, Super Woman Crafting, etc.

    When it comes to choosing the right name for your craft enterprise, focus on an iconic idea that communicates what you want others to experience when purchasing your products. Look at other companies in your industry and see how they’ve named their businesses for inspiration.

    Keep the following points in mind as you brainstorm:

    1. Make sure that using a personal or made-up name is okay with trademarking laws

    2. Beware of double meanings that could be misinterpreted by customers—turning away potential buyers. Instead, test your name by sharing it with friends, family, and buyers to get their feedback.

    3. Think about how consumers will search for you online. Which search phrases will then input into Google. Seriously consider using those terms in your final company name or product brand names.

  • How do I find a unique name for my business?

    Choosing the right name for your craft business can be a difficult task. That is why I created this big list of available craft name ideas.

    These two important things you should keep in mind when making your decision.

    1) Be unique: Choose something that no one else has. If there are many similar craft businesses at large events like County Fairs, you may have trouble being successful because customers might confuse you with other crafters. Even using your own name does not guarantee uniqueness – there could be other Cynthia Crafts companies!

    2) Keep it simple: If possible, use something easy to spell and remember. On the other hand, don’t try to do anything too fancy – this will result in many people who won’t bother trying to find out more about your company, and then they’ll miss out on all the beautiful work you’ve done!

  • What is a good Etsy shop name?

    A good Etsy shop name is about getting buyer and search engine attention. Therefore, it needs to be short, catchy, and versatile enough that a customer can remember it or take the time to write it down fast.

    Start by trying to come up with a single word (if possible), and then using puns off of this word for your store’s title or description is probably the best option. So, if you sell handmade lip balm, a site called Licky Lips could be good.

    Do some research on the trends and popular keywords by searching the Etsy site. Try to find something that relates to your items or is catchy and memorable. Ask family, friends, and acquaintances for their input. Don’t be afraid of an out-of-the-box name that could be the perfect fit!

    The hardest part is coming up with a creative or interesting name that your customers will associate a lot of meaning and emotion with, so this is where brainstorming can be helpful. Use my fun, proven ways to brainstorm outstanding business names here.

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