4 Tips For Building Your Creative Business

As the demand for creative services grows, the creative industry has been touted as one of the fastest growing economic sectors, exceeding the total revenue of the telecom services market. Whether you are into graphic design or music production, you can turn your passion into a profitable venture just by following a few simple steps:

1. Find your true motivation

Why do you want to build a creative business? Try to ignore the fact that you are entering a highly lucrative field and look for other reasons. Are you unsatisfied with your current career? Do you want to revisit your childhood dream of becoming an artist? You need to know that the creative industry is not just about earning a fat commission and gaining widespread fame. There are those who enter the field just because they love what they do. Becoming a part of the creative industry for the wrong reasons leaves you feeling discontented. Let your passion for your craft speak up and you will never have to second-guess yourself.

2. Hone your talent

The best thing about building a creative business is that you don’t need much to get started. Your talent is your best resource, so it’s important to develop your skills. Competition for clients in the creative industry is high and you will need to stand out by investing in your talent. As your business takes shape, you should be able to grab every opportunity to learn new techniques and tools. If you are used to creating illustrations and concept art using traditional media, you can learn digital painting or 3D modeling. There are lots of resources and tutorials you can check out so you can venture into these areas.

3. Nurture an online presence

Promoting your art is part and parcel of being a creative. Regardless whether you plan on working solo or start your own agency, you need to put your name out into the open and tell the world that you are serious with what you do. The first thing you will need to do is to create a digital portfolio of your best work. Your personal Instagram account is a good start, but you should also try building your presence on platforms like Behance or Adobe Portfolio. In case you are building a creative agency, your business needs a website that shows the services you provide.

4. Grow your contacts

Even if you are working as a freelancer, you could hardly achieve anything without a network. For this reason, you will need to find every opportunity to meet with fellow creatives. The best places to do that include social media groups and conferences. You can even join local hobby groups or organizations. Be sure to bring along personalized business cards and practice your elevator speech as you connect with potential partners, mentors, and advocates.

Succeeding in the creative industry takes time and a great deal of hard work. Then again, accomplishing your goals as an artist is possible so long as you focus on doing what you really love.

By Ryan Stewart

Ryan Stewart is a digital marketing entrepreneur with over 8 years of experience in the space. He currently owns and operates WEBRIS, a Miami based digital marketing agency.

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